Saturday 1 October 2016

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished

This is  a male Roseate Spoonbill from the shore of Ecuador's Rio Napo, I find him very beautiful (i feel like he is saying to me «Yup I woke up like this»). His pink color is diet-derived, consisting of the carotenoid pigment canthaxanthin. Therefore, you are what you eat. 

A male Green-winged Teal calls out to attract a mate on a pond in the southern British Columbia. The struggle is real. The hustle of a gentleman in courtship.  

One of the most amazing birds of Canada, the Sooty Grouse. According to the photographer, Jess Findlay, when territorial disputes break out between rival males, these beautiful fleshy eyebrows emerge from their heads and can change colour drastically in a matter of seconds. 

This summer I had an opportunity to visit the Park Marie-Victorin and I got to witness lovebirds. All this time, I thought it was just a term used in quotes but I never thought that lovebirds existed. Apparently, when one dies the other dies too, they are always together and even in the little cage where I saw them, they were in the same corner and they would move together. These blue-headed Parrots mate for life. According to the photographer, Jess Findlay, this couple spent  a few minutes allopreening in the morning sunlight-a type of mutual grooming that strengthens pair bonds. 

Red-and-Green Macaws can live to be 60-80 years old in the wild and pairs mate for life. They also strengthened their pond through bill nibbling and allopreening. I think there are a lot of lessons that we can learn through nature but often times we don't pay attention. The best things in life are free and I am learning a lot through nature and the wild life. 
 Take a quiet walk with mother nature. It will nurture your body, mind and soul. In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. For more amazing picture of nature and birds check out Jess Findlay on Instragram or his blog by clicking here.

1 comment:

When life gets tough put on your boxing gloves.

We go through life, wanting and desiring to be protected and to be safe. Therefore, we often find ourselves striving to get the best car...