Saturday 7 March 2020

When life gets tough put on your boxing gloves.

We go through life, wanting and desiring to be protected and to be safe. Therefore, we often find ourselves striving to get the best car insurance, the best health care insurance so that in case of any unexpected events, we may be protected. But if I were to ask you about your heart insurance or your mind insurance what would you say? who protects your mind or your heart when you face challenging situations in life that affect those specific areas? I would feel very insecure if I had to drive a car that does not have insurance not only because I would be afraid to get caught but I would mostly be afraid of paying damages of someone's else car or mine.

          Insurance companies have made millions and millions of dollars in promising us to repair the damages of our health, our cars, our houses in a case of an accident.  Even though, they can not  prevent the accidents, they are willing to pay for the damages. The other day, I was shopping for my car insurance and this guy was selling me an insurance as a renter. To be quite honest, it was my first time hearing about insurance for renters. Apparently, in case of fire in your apartment caused by you, your landlord can make you pay for the damages which perfectly makes sense. Therefore, if you have an insurance, you would be covered. But imagine this, the landlord has the house insurance and the renter has another insurance. In my opinion, that is a ripoff.  Anyway the point is, we all have to pay for some sort of insurance (whether its for our cars, our houses or our health) to be covered for the damages that may occur in case of an accident. 

So I have been asking myself, who can promise to repair the wounds of our hearts when we face loss, divorce, depression or failure? who is willing to pay the damages of a brokenhearted? Can a best friend promise to heal your heart in case of your divorce? Can  your daughter or your son do it? Can your husband promise to comfort your heart in case of depression?  We often don't realize that the most precious part of our being (meaning our minds and our hearts) have no insurance from any company or anyone else. We are on our own when it comes to dealing with unexpected events that cause damages to our hearts and minds.  

In proverbs 4:23, the bibles says «Above ALL ELSE Guard your heart for EVERYTHING you do flows from it». We might read this verse and move on without truly thinking about what it really means. When it says ABOVE ALL ELSE, that excludes everything else.
If you've been raised in a christian home or a christian community then you are very familiar with this verse (in fact you might be rolling your eyes as you read this  and your mind might go like... blah blah... I've heard this a million times). This verse means that our actions, our attitudes and our words reveal the state of our heart (our mind). Sometimes by observing someone else's behaviour, we can get an idea of what's going on in their heart.

 I can compare this verse with the way boxers protect their head during a fight.  Boxers are trained for one purpose: punch effectively. And with the discipline of blocking, consistent head movements, and footwork. In fact, boxers use head movements, footwork, and punches to form a very efficient striking system. This system is also widely considered one of the most effective methods for self-defense.

If you observe boxers, you would often see that they protect their head by positioning their hands forward. The footwork and hand-eye coordination involved in boxing helps build a practitioner’s overall motor skills. Individuals with good motor skills will have better reflexes and reaction time not just in boxing, but in all other physical activities.
So when it comes to real life, can you block all those punches that life through at you or do you let everything get into you? Do you have a consistent head movement when trials come your way? or Do you know when to punch and when to protect? 

All this to say, when life gets tough put on your boxing gloves. As for me, the hands of my Heavenly Father have been the best boxing gloves that I have ever wore. They always protect, always heal and always comfort my heart. My question for you today is where are your boxing gloves?

Tuesday 18 April 2017

The 40 days of miracle morning

A couple of days ago a friend of mine suggested that we should fast for 40 days by giving up something and by focusing on Jesus Christ.  I thought it was a good idea since I also needed some quality time in my devotionals. So I decided that for the next 40 days I would give up sugar and coffee. I also wanted to get up at 5:30 Am every morning so that I can have my morning devotion. At the beginning, I thought those morning devotions were not going to last because I am not a morning person. Everyone in my family knows how much I love to sleep. 

Since I knew the challenges above ahead of time, I had to prepare my self so I decided to sleep early (meaning 10:30pm) so that I can have enough time to sleep. I also planned to put my phone across the room so that I would have to get out of my bed and turn off the alarm. It has been 40 days now and I wanted to share with you the struggles and the things that I have learned for the last 40 days. 

I have learned that I have a weakness for sugar; it was almost impossible for me to avoid sugar; especially in the morning so that was a failure through out.

I have learned that I can get up early and spend the whole day without coffee and without feeling grumpy. Giving up coffee was not hard because I am not a coffee person but I have my days.

My 5 Am morning devotions have taught me a lot of lessons and I am grateful for them because they have changed my perception about early risers. First of all let me be honest. IT WAS A STRUGGLE. The first 5 minutes of my mornings were a nightmare because every time I would look at my bed and wish to go back. I would ask myself: Why am I doing this? After those 5 minutes of hell, I would usually start my morning devotion. 

I have often labelled myself as not a morning person, but after this journey, I realized that I am a morning person. During those 40 days, I was more productive, more organized, and more active.  I had more time to accomplish all my tasks of the day. My thoughts were clearer in the morning and to know that I didn't need coffee to keep myself awake all day was awesome. 
I am starting to enjoy my morning rituals because I look at the benefits and I am motivated to wake up early every day. I should say that now I look forward every day to wake up early even though the first few minutes of my morning are still a struggle. 

We often label ourselves different things such as: “I’m not a morning person,” “I’m not a gym person,” “I’m not a disciplined person,” “I’m not a reader,” and etc.  I have found that if we keep such mindset, we’ll never make an effort to change our bad habits. It is a good start when we know our weaknesses because it allows us to think about ways that we can change. For instance, I knew waking up early in the morning was going to be a challenge for me so I decided to put my alarm across the room so that I can get out of the bed and turn it off. I also decided not to do my morning devotion in my bed. Therefore, being out of my bed was important to overcome my weakness.  The struggle was real, but it cannot compare to the joy that I feel today. I am more proactive and I feel more alive when I wake up early. 

Here are few examples of successful people who wake up early in the morning:

Michelle Obama wakes up at 4:30 Am to workout before she starts her day. She says, “If I don't exercise, I won't feel good. I'll get depressed.”

David Cush, the CEO of Virgin America wakes up at 4:15 am to do his morning routine, which consists of sending emails, calling business associates on the East Coast and hitting the bike at the gym.

Kevin O'Leary a.k.a “Mr Wonderful,” a co-founder of O'Leary Funds and Softkey, wakes up at 5:45 Am to check the Asian and European bond markets.

And the list goes on! I share my experience so it can help another person.  At the end of the day, however, the choice comes to that person who reads this. Are you willing to challenge yourself and see if this is true or not? The choice is yours.

If you want to start this journey and you need more ideas about how to wake up early check out this book, “The Miracle Morning” by Hal  Elrod. 


Monday 21 November 2016

Earnest prayer avails much

«The simple prayers indited by the Holy Spirit will ascend through the gates ajar, the open door which Christ has declared: I have opened and no man can shut»

When God finally answers that prayer. After watching this video, I remembered the tears of my mom when she finally saw my little brother and me after 4 years apart from each other. I can only imagine her persistent prayers and her tears every night while she was waiting for that day to come. 

«Our prayers are to be earnest and persistent—God does not say, Ask once, and you shall receive. He bids us ask. Unwearyingly persist in prayer. The persistent asking brings the petitioner into a more earnest attitude, and gives him an increased desire to receive the things for which he asks.»

The other day I was thinking about people who pray for me and I don't know why but I thought about my grandparents that are resting in peace. I thought about their prayers as they watched their children and grand children growing. All those prayers that I ignored during family devotions just because I was too bored or too young. Unfortunately, Those times are long gone but  I am deeply grateful for them. 

Ask for humility, wisdom, courage, increase of faith. To every sincere prayer an answer will come. It may not come just as you desire, or at the time you look for it; but it will come in the way and at the time that will best meet your need. The prayers you offer in loneliness, in weariness, in trial, God answers, not always according to your expectations, but always for your good.—(Gospel Workers, 258.) Pr 7.3

Let gratitude to God fill your hearts. When you rise in the morning, kneel at your bedside, and ask God to give you strength to fulfil the duties of the day, and to meet its temptations. Ask Him to help you to bring into your work Christ’s sweetness of character. Ask Him to help you to speak words that will inspire those around you with hope and courage, and draw you nearer to the Saviour.—(Sons and Daughters of God, 199.) Pr 9.4

Often our hearts will burn within us as He draws nigh to commune with us as He did with Enoch. When this is in truth the experience of the Christian, there is seen in his life a simplicity, a humility, meekness, and lowliness of heart, that show to all with whom he associates that he has been with Jesus and learned of Him.—(Christ’s Object Lessons, 129, 130.) Pr 12.2

I saw that if we do not feel immediate answers to our prayers, we should hold fast our faith, not allowing distrust to come in, for that will separate us from God. If our faith wavers, we shall receive nothing from Him. Our confidence in God should be strong; and when we need it most, the blessing will fall upon us like a shower of rain.—(Testimonies for the Church 1:120, 121.) Pr 70.2

The assurance is broad and unlimited, and He is faithful who has promised. When we do not receive the very things we asked for, at the time we ask, we are still to believe that the Lord hears and that He will answer our prayers. We are so erring and shortsighted that we sometimes ask for things that would not be a blessing to us, and our heavenly Father in love answers our prayers by giving us that which will be for our highest good—that which we ourselves would desire if with vision divinely enlightened we could see all things as they really are.

The texts in purple are taken from the book of prayers by Ellen G. White and they have really helped me to understand the power of prayer.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Simple you were

Every fiber of you complimented the very word «Simplicity»
Your simple ways opened my eyes to beauty that was never hidden, yet, felt as a stranger to my eyes and new to this earth.
Your simple spirit opened my eyes to the
overlooked beauty of this world...
Things we fail to cherish yet valuable
Like seeing a bee pollinate a flower which to the complex mind is too simple yet to the 
naked eye it is life being prolonged and God showing off his talent.
Honey, I now see why men prior to me passed you up for women a bit more complex.
It's hard for them to comprehend such simple authentic traits.
For they were used to women who looked
complex, yet, empty.
Women who appeared to be the most difficult jigsaw puzzles so they could feel accomplished, once the puzzle was figured out, only to learn
The bigger picture is nothing special.
You, on the other hand, were an open book.
You didn't make them feel challenged enough or accomplished enough.
You made them feel normal, as if winning your heart was something that was as easy as simply loving each other.
Oh so simple you were.
Even the simplest piece of clothing becomes of great elegance upon your skin.
The simplest of statements exited your mouth with such substance.
Your simplicity singlehandedly enhanced 
the value of natural beauty in a world built on artificiality.
Fancy dresses, expensive jewelry, popular
make-up brands, designer purses were vanity to you.
Never steer away from who you are, my dear.
You have simplified the meaning and beauty of
life in a way my pupils seldom recognize
Simple, yet, complicated you were. 

To the women I once loved by Pierre Alex Jeanty

Saturday 1 October 2016

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished

This is  a male Roseate Spoonbill from the shore of Ecuador's Rio Napo, I find him very beautiful (i feel like he is saying to me «Yup I woke up like this»). His pink color is diet-derived, consisting of the carotenoid pigment canthaxanthin. Therefore, you are what you eat. 

A male Green-winged Teal calls out to attract a mate on a pond in the southern British Columbia. The struggle is real. The hustle of a gentleman in courtship.  

One of the most amazing birds of Canada, the Sooty Grouse. According to the photographer, Jess Findlay, when territorial disputes break out between rival males, these beautiful fleshy eyebrows emerge from their heads and can change colour drastically in a matter of seconds. 

This summer I had an opportunity to visit the Park Marie-Victorin and I got to witness lovebirds. All this time, I thought it was just a term used in quotes but I never thought that lovebirds existed. Apparently, when one dies the other dies too, they are always together and even in the little cage where I saw them, they were in the same corner and they would move together. These blue-headed Parrots mate for life. According to the photographer, Jess Findlay, this couple spent  a few minutes allopreening in the morning sunlight-a type of mutual grooming that strengthens pair bonds. 

Red-and-Green Macaws can live to be 60-80 years old in the wild and pairs mate for life. They also strengthened their pond through bill nibbling and allopreening. I think there are a lot of lessons that we can learn through nature but often times we don't pay attention. The best things in life are free and I am learning a lot through nature and the wild life. 
 Take a quiet walk with mother nature. It will nurture your body, mind and soul. In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks. For more amazing picture of nature and birds check out Jess Findlay on Instragram or his blog by clicking here.

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Love at home is life's greatest blessing

They say «it is not how big the house is, it is how happy the home is»; There is beauty all around when there's love at home; there is joy in every sound when there's love at home; peace and plenty here abide, smiling fair on every side; Time doth softly, sweetly glide, when there is love at home. 

«Being a mother is discovering strengths you didn't know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, you should cherish every moment and realize that the wonderment growing inside of you is a great opportunity in life to assist God in a miracle»

«A baby fills a place in your heart that you never knew was empty»

 «There is joy and wonder everywhere when you see the world through the eyes of a child»

Wednesday 20 July 2016

«Ingoro y'Umwami» A king’s palace inspired the shape of the Kigali Convention Centre

Roland Dieterle, a German architect came with the amazing design for the project, way back in 2004. He was inspired by the King's Palace in Nyanza during the planning phases. 

Dieterle says the scope and complexity of the project carries an important message: “It says, ‘We are a modern country, we can deal with complexity, we can show the world that Africa is a continent and Rwanda is a country where modern life can take place,'” 

The design is also meant to speak to everyone. “It’s a building that doesn’t need much explanation … even people without much knowledge about art or culture would understand this design. It’s a building for them, not just for some elite people,” Dieterle says. 

The spiral motif found in Rwandan baskets, such as imigongo paintings, was also incorporated in the building’s structure. You can see the spiral construction in the walkways that encircle the dome and by looking up at the dome’s ceiling from the inside.

6 Cool Facts You Didn’t Know About the Kigali Convention Center Complex

When life gets tough put on your boxing gloves.

We go through life, wanting and desiring to be protected and to be safe. Therefore, we often find ourselves striving to get the best car...